February is Teen Dating Awareness Month. One in three adolescents in the U.S. is a victim of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse from a dating partner, a figure that far exceeds rates of other types of youth violence*. Sojourner's SafeU youth prevention education program focuses on personal safety, which includes increasing knowledge about healthy and unhealthy relationships.
Teen Dating Violence occurs in all school districts and communities. No two relationships are the same but below are common warning signs from Break the Cycle, of an unhealthy teen relationships:
Checking cell phones, emails or social networks without permission
Extreme jealousy or insecurity
Constant belittling or put-downs
Explosive temper
Isolation from family and friends
Making false accusations
Constant mood swings towards you
Physically inflicting pain or hurt in any way
Telling someone what to do
Pressuring someone to be intimate
We believe strongly in prevention and making sure young people have the information and tools to safety plan and make healthy decisions. In our experience, youth want to talk about these issues. Starting a dialogue with the teens in your life is important and can set the tone for future conversations and support.